Become Motivated
A great reason to enroll is to become motivated. To spend time and money on what it takes to learn the instrument means commitment.
Commitment means the student is destined to work harder at learning than just dabbling around. The challenge to prepare for lessons every week to meet the expectations of the teacher. That is a big part in the Art of the instrument itself. It's about communicating and interacting.
Without that teacher encouragement and motivation, learning the piano may seem really difficult. In fact, learning on one's own may debilitate the fingers by creating physical muscular problems, which could become learned, hindering the process altogether.
Enrolling in lessons is like having a coach for a sports team. The coach sets the goals, sets the parameters and the results can be amazing!

Get Inspired
Have you ever been inspired? Does this not happen by example? Watching performers on the piano inspire us to want to get better. The lessons are a continual source of inspiration in the drive to improve.
When we are inspired, we learn by example. We develop appreciation for the instrument and the players that have mastered it.
Just by watching, listening and learning one step at a time, big tasks become small tasks.
Not all things are complicated, although they may sound and look that way at first. The teacher is there to clear up the confusion and offer inspiring ideas to learn how to maneuver on the keys and read music with ease.
The teacher is the one who brings the new ideas forth, allowing the student to reach their fullest potential!

It's Athletic
Playing the piano is an Art Form. It is similar to dance as a form of expression. It involves muscles that must be trained a certain way in order to express the instrument at it's best.
As a performer, the player and their physical ability is the main instrument. This means that learning to play the instrument correctly, according to one's own ability, physical characteristics, hand shape and size are all considerations.
To try to teach one's self without assistance is risky. Developing muscles incorrectly could potentially ruin all good intentions of becoming a pianist. Correct muscle development from the start, then throughout the stages of improving is extremely important over the long term. Learning the instrument the right way keeps the hands ready to play anytime.
There is a big difference between just 'playing the piano' and being a pianist. A good teacher helps show you the difference.

It's Being Teachable
It's more than just a small commitment. Lessons bring awareness and make us teachable, open us to new ways of doing things on a regular basis. It is the opposite of being close-minded to new ideas and valuable concepts.
Getting the process started early with peak interest helps develop this mindset. Those who study piano with a teacher may benefit with being open to new concepts in other fields of study also. This leads toward success in any other setting where valuable information can be received, processed and geared into success.
As students we humble ourselves, realizing we don't know everything. This challenges us as a person to become able to accept new approaches to problem solving.
Although being inquisitive in finding out how to do things using various online tutorials and videos may appear to help quite a bit, there are many unknown learning stages that self-help videos cannot develop. That is the interpersonal communication part of learning the instrument.
Videos do not interact. Learning piano is a step-by-step process, one step building toward the next. Only a teacher, like a tutor, can provide a fully customized step-by-step process.

It's Developmental
Starting the process early in life gives many advantages. Waiting on lessons only delays successes. "The early bird gets the worm" as they say. Starting piano early begins awareness of music concepts like rhythm and reading, which gives a huge head start to skills development.
Have you ever been amazed by a very young performer playing better than everyone else? Learning eye to hand and body coordination at an ideal young age is a huge advantage.
When to begin? That all depends on the person. Too early for some, sooner for others. That is what the initial piano lesson consultation is all about. The teacher can see whether the student is ready to take on the piano instrument.
For those starting later, enrolling in lessons allows less time to be wasted as a quick assessment can be made what level to start the process.
Muscles develop the same no matter what age we are. It's always a benefit to start lessons anytime you feel ready! Enrolling in lessons allows the process to become very efficient.

Relax and Enjoy
Let the teacher take the wheel and enjoy the ride. You can know that skills will improve every step of the way.
One small step at a time is the process. Each skill builds upon the previous, so there is a methodology to the entire systematic learning process.

It's Guiding
Guiding you through the maze of challenges is the process. Wouldn't it be nice to have that extra help to succeed? Interpersonal communicating is a growing experience.
Learning to share your music is important to success in the Arts. Having someone guide you in the process of peaks and valleys while learning and performing is extremely beneficial.

It's Complicated
Learning piano is a challenge. To attempt to learn the instrument without guidance is like trying to fly an airplane without a navigation system. It can be done but is extremely difficult.
There are so many resources to learn independently, yet it all comes down to the physical part of playing. That is not something that can be just 'figured out' without oversight.
Many players, for example one who learns Jazz without a teacher, could easily wind up with muscular hand issues, physical strain limitations and ultimate carpal tunnel. Is it worth the risk? These issues are all avoided with proper oversight from a teacher from the get go.
There is no cheap way to do this, as like a dancer, muscles are not made of steel and can become stressed over time. Most of the complexity is the physical side of the process and becoming proficient is the rest.
On the other hand, trying new things to figure it out is the first step of the process. Enrolling is the next step in becoming a real pianist, or at least where you can begin to enjoy the instrument and all its possibilities!

Zoom and In-person
Here at Baldwin Studios, students may have a bit of both. Most lessons are Zoom with the occasional lesson in person.
Some students find Zoom to be helpful enough, while others may prefer a combination of Zoom and In-person.
In-person lessons is up to the teacher to decide. This is based on preference on how well the learning process moves along!
Zoom works, it's proven, modern and fun! Your first lesson is free so give it a try?